Sunday 27 January 2013

Want to remove embarrassing photos from FB? Try Facewash app

The "Facewash" app developed by researchers from Kent State University will search through a user's Facebook activity and content for items that the user may want to hide or delete.

Researchers have developed a new app that can help Facebook users clean up vulgar or embarrassing pages from their profile. The "Facewash" app developed by researchers from Kent State University will search through a user's Facebook activity and content for items that the user may want to hide or delete. That could include status updates, photo captions, and comments users left or received as well as pages and links that were liked, Los Angeles Timesreported. "We realised that there's a lot of content that perhaps someone might not want a future employer to see," researcher Daniel Gur. Gur created the Facewash over the weekend along his two friends and fellow computer science majors Camden Fullmer, and David Steinberg. The trio built the app in less than two days while at a hackathon at the University of Pennsylvania. To use Facewash, users first need to go to its website,, click on get started and then log into their Facebook account.They will be prompted to click "Go to App" and then give they have to give the app permission to access their content. caption id="attachment_602316" align="alignleft" width="380"] A screengrab of the Facewash App.

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