Sunday 27 January 2013

The iPad and the rise of the Planet of the Apes

Apple CEO Tim Cook made no mention of it in this week'searnings call, but there's a burgeoning demand for iPads among the country's zoo-boundprimates, thanks to theApps for Apesinitiative. However, not all apes are created equal: Orangutans introduced to Apple's tablet have loved the device, butgorillas haven't taken to the iPadwith the sameenthusiasm -- a development Corning obviously didn't consider when naming itsGorilla Glass.According to Orangutan Outreach, sponsor of the Apps for Apes initiative:Orangutans are highly intelligent creatures that require mental stimulation to keep from growing bored and depressed. Every orangutan is a unique individual with his or her own particular likes and dislikes, and freedom of choice is critical to their well-being. They like to choose everything from their afternoon snack to their daytime companions and sleeping area.Don't we all?Among the dozen-plus zoos participating in the Orangutan Outreach initiative are the Atlanta Zoo and the National Zoo in Washington. Participantsare in touch with each other to compare and recommend appsthat the apes seem to prefer. The orangutans' tastes, it seems, are not so different from a human child's, with special favorites being musical instruments, video watching -- particularly of themselves and other orangutans -- finger painting, and interactive books.The Milwaukee County Zoo, which nearly two years ago pioneered the use of iPads to stimulate and enrich the lives its orangutans, took the effort to a new level when it outfittedits primate buildings with Wi-Fito arrange"play dates" with orangutansat other zoos and wildlife preserves. Can the offer of a reality TV show be far behind?Check out this video of orangutans at the Milwaukee County Zoo interacting with theiPad. Sadly,Mahal-- one of the orangutans featured in the video -- died last month from pneumonia.Orangutans are among the most intelligent primates. A 2008 study of two orangutans at the Leipzig Zoo in Germany showed they couldweigh the costs and benefits of gift exchangesand keep track of them over time -- the first nonhuman species documented to do so.The Apps for Apes program goals include:*.Provide stimulating enrichment and immediate gratification for orangutans*.Make zoo visitors aware of the critical need to protect orangutans in the wild*.Promote the conservation efforts of Orangutan OutreachIf you have a gently used iPad that you'd like to donate to an orangutan, you're invited tocontact Orangutan Outreach.

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