Sunday 27 January 2013

Infidelity in the age of tech: Beware Mobile phones, Facebook!

In the age of modern technology, snooping on a partner's mobile phone is the most common way to catch if they are cheating, followed by going through their Facebook activities, according to a new UK poll.'Going through mobile phone' has been cited as the top reason why illicit affairs have been exposed, the poll found.Nearly 2,400 UK adults, all of whom had either been caught cheating while in a relationship or who had found a partner was being unfaithfulto them in the past, were quizzed bya mobile phone insurance website on the circumstances in which the infidelity was discovered.Almost half of those questioned - 41per cent - said checking for evidenceon their partner's mobile phone wasthe reason why an affair came to light, the 'Daily Mail' reported.The second most common way to catch a cheater was via social network websites like Facebook (23 per cent) and by going through their files on their personal computer or tablet (13 per cent).A minority of 11 per cent were unable to cover their tracks so they were caught face-to-face while 5 percent had to be told their partner wasup to no good by a friend or family member.Just two per cent admitted having a guilty conscience led them to making a full confession.Mobile phone insurance website the research after noting a rise in the number of claims for breakages that occurred to handsets during relationship splits or arguments.Almost a tenth of the respondents taking part said that a mobile phone had become broken as a direct result of an argument within a relationship, such as by being thrown or dropped."You'd be surprised how often relationship arguments and cheatinggets cited in mobile phone insuranceclaims, even though we often dont ask for that depth of detail," John Lamerton, managing director of, said."Evidently, those being unfaithful in relationships need to keep better tabs on who is looking at their mobile....

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