Sunday 24 February 2013

Got an iPad? If so, you probably know all about “pinching” and swiping with your fingertips. But have you tried a four-finger swipe yet—or a five-finger pinch, for that matter?
There are, in fact, three (relatively new) iPad “multitouch” gestures that require at least four fingers, and they’re entirely optional. You can activate them by opening the iPad’s Settings app, tapping General, and switching the Multitasking Gestures setting to “On.”
So, what can these four-finger-plus iPad gestures do for you? Let’s start with…

1. Swipe up for multitasking

Want quick access to the iPad’s multitasking bar at the bottom of the screen, but without having to double-tap the Home button?
Just make a claw with your fingers, flick up on the screen with four (or five) fingertips and voilà—the multitasking bar should appear.
Tap an icon to switch to a different application, or flick down again to hide the multitasking bar.

2. Swipe left or right to switch from one app to another

Next, try this: try cycling through all your open apps with a simple swipe, no multitasking bar required.
Four finger swipe to side iPad gesture 3 nifty iPad gestures you need to try
Swipe left or right with four or five fingers to quickly switch between apps.
Do the claw thing again with your fingers, then swipe from left to right (or right to left, your choice) with four or five fingertips.
The current app will slide off the screen, to be smoothly replaced by the next one in line.

3. “Pinch” your way home

You’re never more than a tap away from the iPad’s home screen thanks to the ever-present Home button.
But if you’ve been longing for a new way Home, here’s a new gesture to try.
Five finger pinch to home iPad gesture 3 nifty iPad gestures you need to try
Just “pinch” with four or five fingers to return to the iPad home screen.
Place four or five ingertips on the iPad display, and then “pinch” them together.
Zip! You’re back on the home screen.

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