Thursday 18 December 2014

Customers reporting interest in cloud, containers, Linux, OpenStack for 2015

As 2014 comes to a close and IT departments reflect on their initiatives heading into the new year, we asked a group of 115 Red Hat customers -- ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses -- about their priorities for 2015. What we heard from the respondents is promising going into the new year: Budgets are increasing (or at least staying the same); Linux adoption is increasing; cloud deployments will be dominantly private or hybrid; OpenStack is hot; and interest in containers is emerging.
Budgets -- always a popular topic at the new year -- look strong going into 2015: 84 percent of survey respondents are optimistic about their 2015 budgets, with 40 percent of respondents planning for a budget increase, and 44 percent expecting their budgets to stay the same. According to the survey results, respondents are planning for several key IT initiatives in 2015, including:
  • Mobility and mobile apps: 69 percent
  • Big data: 68 percent
  • Customer engagement: 53 percent
  • Private cloud computing: 46 percent
  • DevOps: 45 percent
Survey respondents are also bullish about the increasing Linux adoption in 2015: 59 percent plan to use Linux for brand new applications or services, or greenfield deployments, and 41 percent are planning migrations to Linux (26 percent are planning Windows-to-Linux migrations; 15 percent are planning Unix-to-Linux migrations).
Paul Cormier, Red Hat's president of Products and Technologies, previously noted that an organisation's cloud strategy . And while cloud has firmly become an enterprise reality, 32 percent of survey respondents reported that their organisations are still determining their cloud strategy heading into 2015. Of those organisations that are already moving to the cloud, respondents identified their cloud deployment strategy as being:
  • Private cloud: 27 percent
  • Hybrid cloud: 26 percent
  • Public cloud: 15 percent
When asked about the top benefits of cloud computing, respondents cited cost savings (59 percent), followed by scalability (55 percent); accessibility, including mobility and business continuity (53 percent); speed of deployment (50 percent); and the ability to replace on-premises legacy technology (48 percent). The survey revealed some potential challenges for cloud in 2015, including security (57 percent), cloud interoperability (31 percent), compliance (30 percent), ability to measure ROI (29 percent), cloud portability (27 percent), and governance/loss of IT control (27 percent).
When it came to OpenStack -- the popular open-source cloud computing software platform -- the majority of respondents reported plans to continue use of or invest in OpenStack in 2015. The top benefits cited for OpenStack were greater automation (18 percent), improved agility to meet customer and business demands (17 percent), and lower costs (15 percent).
And while Linux containers are creating much industry excitement over their potential to radically change the way applications are built, shipped, deployed, and instantiated, survey data shows that enterprise adoption is still emerging. According to respondents, 13 percent are using containers in development and test environments, and 20 percent are evaluating containers for future use. The top perceived benefits of containers as seen by the respondents included the ability to deploy applications faster (54 percent); reduce effort to deploy applications (40 percent); streamline development and testing (38 percent); lower costs associated with application deployment (31 percent); and help consolidate servers (25 percent).
The below highlights many of these customer priorities for 2015. Overall, the survey responses tell us that there is a lot to be excited about in tech in the coming year. In our next post, we'll highlight specific predictions from Red Hat executives and subject matter experts. Stay tuned for their thoughts on what we'll see in 2015.

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